# One-click payments

One-click payments enable your customers to easily pay for products or services. Once they store their card credentials during the first payment, they don't need to re-enter them later. This is both more secure and convenient.

To get an idea of how one-click transactions are performed with Straal, see the scenario below.

Use case – a one-click transaction

This scenario fits a returning customer of an online retailer or a mobile app store. Such customers often perform irregular transactions of varying amounts. A one-click payment is generally a convenience in such cases.

When attempting the first payment, the customer is required to provide their card's security details. Once a card object has been created, it can later be referred to with its ID, without the need to provide the card's CVV and expiration date each time.

If you haven't yet, you need to create a customer first (see APIref: Create a customer(opens new window) ). You'll need to specify the customer's email and (optionally) their unique reference.

During the first transaction, a new customer needs to specify their card details, that is, the card number, CVV, expiry date and the cardholder's name.

To learn more about the first transaction, see: Payment methods – cards or APIref: Creating a transaction with a card(opens new window) .

If a customer attempts another transaction, they don't need to provide their card's security details. When a card object is created during the first transaction, the card's information is tokenized, so it can be substituted with its ID afterwards. You can see an example in: APIref: Creating a transaction(opens new window) .

You can read more about tokenization in Transactions.